For as long as I can remember I have been drawn to bits of trash. My satisfaction in the variety of colors on discarded things (new, faded or scratched away), the found pieces of metal (bright, bent or rust eaten) and the shapes of broken manufactured bits (sinuous, circular or geometric) is only surpassed by the joy of combining all of these various treasures into something unexpected.

Photo Credit : Larry Burke
Robin Tost grew up in White Bear Lake, MN. After graduating from Sarah Lawrence College she moved to New York City where she worked for Bil and Cora Baird's Marionette Company, raised two children and showed her wire sculptures and life-sized fabric mache people. In 1985 she moved to the Berkshires in Western MA where she has a barn in which to work and store all the "inventory" she collects from roadsides, the transfer station and a variety of local scrap yards. She is a firm believer in recycling in its many forms.